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Kamis, 03 Juli 2008

Food combination to be slender and make healthy

Food Combining is theory of about way of eating which not yet socialized old in Indonesia ( new

in the year 1996). Its nucleus;core: during the time the way of eating us of disagree with way of job of body organ our own. So that more and more a lot of people who still be young have suffered disease degeratif, namely the disease which first is always suffered by people who have old, like heart, high blood, high cholesterol, acid of high blood-vessel, rheumatism, etc

Really, our stomach digest food of pursuant to its type and the enzyme used also differing to each type of vitamin food:.

Fruits digested by our stomach and finish only during 15 - 20 minute, except banana - 45 minute. and Glucose in this fruit is direct give us energi instan which we needing to work since morning

carbohydrate ( rice, maize, noodles, bread) if eaten by xself, without or spices vegetable, will eat

time 2 clock

while animal protein ( chicken, flesh, fish, egg) is except that mingled other, eating time of about 3-4 clock

for a while if mingling carbohydrate with animal protein ( like way of eating the people Indonesia of most), will need time more than 6 clock to digest it

become, if we eat fruit after eating, fruits which during 15 minute have been digested, cannot descend into intestine for the ingestion hereinafter because hold up by amount to the number of food newly we eat, while enzyme digestion ( or we recognize by the name of laymen " sour bounce up") non-stoped to process it, is so that happened by the ferment ( becoming to have alcohol of like at process of tape), so that ferment from vitamin this fruit rotting mentioned food is we eat.

On the other hand, to digest victuals which step into stomach, needed by a enzyme which will be released by pancreas gland and bile. So, this enzyme factory second, only able to producing secretion at longest 4 clock. After 4 clock he/she the fatigue and nothing like the enzyme which can be produced, so that most incoming food is not wraped by enzyme needed. Hence, small intestine will treat it non as food, but as garbage/poison. When incoming food considered as by a poison / " foreign object", hence the body will produce leucocyte ( white corpuscle) more amount, even in fact no disease groaning. On the other hand, way of eating the wrong weigh against pancreas gland, as well as other;dissimilar body organ. This clear harm our body, and if is continuously happened, will destroy entire/all body metabolism.

In consequence, in order to our body work maximal, bile and pancreas gland remain to make healthy, and at the same time improve repairing our body metabolism, food which we include into our body have to according to by digestion organ job ( bounce up and the intestine) and also with our body activity cycle. Become, Schedule Eat better is:

- Morning:

1. Start Your day is moment develop sleep with warmness water glass gave by distillation lime rasher ( this to take care of venous elasticity and clean it from stricture venous of effect of food have high cholesterol to, and also cure hurt in ordinary intestine referred by pain magh

2. Last of fruits juice ( all fruit - except and jackfruit, durian fruit - what is matured and enough the beloved, which don't tamarind)

3. 1/2 clock later, small saucer of crosscut fruit of just just mixture, better. Or can also one apple, or two orange, or two passion fruit, for example. Just at the discretion of sufficientlyfor stomach of each. If still be felt by peckish after 1 clock, eat fruit again. (initially,surely will be felt by very hungry, is so that needed by the more amount fruit portion eat one or two banana after eating the other fruit is so that felt bysatisfied. After through 1 - 2 week, our stomach will start can accept small portion or is.).

- Beat. 09.00 - 10.00: Eating the fruit again

- If ill medium or for too thin: Clock 09.30 - 10.00: bread rasher fill vegetable, or cassava/parsnip, or mush ( without chicken, but his chicken mush gravy and flavour may). Or the Bread, but don't wear sugar/jam. If will be sweet, wear honey of because honey have the character of neutral.

- Day:

Protein Lunch better animal ( side dish coming from animal, like better fish, or prawn, or the chicken, or the egg - in essence ordinary side dish is we eat everyday), added by of vegetable ( have to a lot of), soybean cake of or fermented soybean cake - remember, without rice! For You suffering cyst/tumor - good in womb or in bosom - and for which the body overweight, better avoid the country chicken, cause hormone injection which is passed to by a chicken will fertilize cell of the tumorl

- Clock 16.00: Because day food have digestible during 3-4 clock, generally clock 16.00 - 17.00 us will feel hungry again. May eat light food, but better only the fruit or legume again. once in a whilei, may also eat cake, but don't often, cause really food containing wheat of like whole-wheat oppositely the a more regular cause ugly for our body If can arrest;detain x'self for eat light food will be more be good.

- 19.00 ( dinner):

Dinner better the carbohydrate: potato, maize, or the rice - better red rice, know and fermented soybean cake,vegetable. ts vegetable is which is a lot of - more and moreing fresh/raw more and more goodness.

21.30 or 22.00 ( before sleep ½ vegetable juice glass ( cucumber juice, carrot, tomato, spinach, string bean, mustard, celery, or mixture 2 kinds of vegetable).

breakfast Schedule arrangement, this nighttime and day have been adapted for by our body cycle


At morning, start pk. our 04.00 s/d 10.00 body do dismissal process of is rest of metabolism and the food pickings from large intestine. digestion enzyme Producer gland not yet active at this clock. Is our cause is suggested by a breakfast only the fruits, fruit cause do not need enzyme which is besides the enzyme saliva of exist in our mouth ( because of that have to munch fruit until pulverized before swallowing it). In the day time start pk. 10.00 till our 20.00 body in pursuance of vitamin ingestion food. Digestion gland most alert at at the present time gyration. That is cause in the day time we is suggested to by eat animal protein, longer animal protein cause digested by than carbohydrate. Nocturnal, start pk 20.00 till 04.00, our body will be occupied with absorbtion process vitamin of nutrient which mentioned to all day long step into our body. Eat heavy like animal protein More will be useless because digestion gland have started to slow down his job.

The above is true its elementary principles

all important Principle is

1. Eating the fruit may not after eating, become have to separate from by other;dissimilar food

2. Don'T sweet eat/drink after eating, because this matter also will trigger the happening of ferment ( for example, sweet coffee, sweet tea, mix ice, etc). And lessen consumption sugar or better avoid sugar is at all

3. Don'T drink light beverage ( softdrinks) of like Coca Cola, Sprite And Fanta cause of vitamin in depth ‘ throwing away’ return calcium supply in in our bone so that we will quickly suffer osteoporoshs, especially at woman ( though this is generally became of by one who have old - more knowledgeable with calcium wash term. Besides that vitamin of exist in in softdrinks also destroy other body organ

4. Avoid Alcohol and Copy - especially copy instan - cause both the things this pursue absorbtion vitamin B Calcium and from food which we eat ( though all green vegetable containing calcium and a lot of fruit and vegetable containing vitamin B). Even so have to drink coffee, don't more than 2 cup one day, don't wear sugar, and don't copy instan. Its side effects is worse

5. At 2-3 first day is You try to change over to way of eating this, possibly will there is process poison dismissal, what confused ber-efek or the other symptom. just Let, don't take medicine, continued by a schedule eat is such as those which suggested. Symptom ought to be the will disappear after 3 day.

How Body Respond To Nicotine?

Nicotine is quickly permeated by body, and give reaction of at brain in 10-19 second after the happening of exploitation. Nicotine cause the increasing of blood pressure and the increasing of heartbeat until 33 times per minute. Nicotine degrade husk temperature and lessen blood circulation in leg arm and. Nicotine cause to feel queasy at beginner smoker. In reality feel queasy always join each smoker sipping cigarette of too much, because its his palsied is respiration. Reason causing smoker is not killed swiftly, because they use small dose, metabolism which can swiftly and released by body.

Green tea

Consuming green tea represent fomentation which are positive because besides as health beverage, in it also contain active compound is which have potency as anti-cancer. Pursuant to research from dr. Chung S Which is from laboratory research into cancer, University Of New Jersey USA in the year 1993 concluding that especial component of green tea believed to own various biological activity is inclusive of

Anti-cancer is polifenol, epigalokatekin 3-0 error ( EGCG), and derivat flavan or is in general referred as by derivat is katekin. From result test-drive at mouse donyru, indicating that compound activity the to cancer cell invasion which the insulation able to pursue it till 83% at concentration 10 mikrogram/mililiter. Besides as anti-cancer, green tea also own active component useful as anti-hypertension, antioksidan, antikarsinogenesis, and protect husk from ultra violet ray.

Senin, 30 Juni 2008

Difference of Tumor and Cancer.

That cancer like bomb! Very kill! So groan human being body, can break important body organ. If cancer apparition can detected early on, the patient only like people incured by shoot with bullet

rubber. ill though, but do not kill. It is not strange, if somebody expressed suffer stadium IV stadium or cancer continue medically nothing there is no expectation to be healed. Even, according to a doctor ( Matra Magazine, September 2003), only the stadium dualah cancer which the expectation there (be) still to be healed.

In developed countries, like Europe of West and United States, cancer become cause of death of second after disease kardiovaskular ( heart). In Indonesia,cancer become cause of sixth death, after infection, insuffiency gizi, accident, disease of kardiovaskular and degeneratif, and also disparity of or hormone imunologis.

Till in this time, socialize often interlard between congeniality cancer and tumor. Though both differing. Tumor is wild cell network in the form of or bloated bump in body shares. tardy Tumor growth and remain to in one location, but surely and non-stoped big. If emerging bump in shares our body wildly, goodness felt by a pain and also do not, have to be taken heed by because

the bump is possibility of is tumor.

Tumor do not be dangerous so for body health. Tumor growth can because of growth of new network or the dilution gathering, like containing bump and cyst of blood of effect of collision. Tumor which is initially tame if is not cured real correctly will be angry and non not possible (to) will change becoming ferocious tumor of cancer alias. Tame tumor generally grow tardy and only in one place. This tumor can be non-stoped big, but do not disseminate to body shares other;dissimilar and seldom bother health. It is not strange if somebody through years suffer tumor in shares of back do not feel annoyed and have never felt any pain.

Differ from tumor, cancer is body network cell which grow below par, but have to split x'self swiftly and do not in control. Cancer is not catching, except or hepatitis liver cancer C. Meanwhile, there is opinion expressing that cancer of because of of a kind virus, but the virus differ with virus of at catching other;dissimilar disease. Cancer cell will be non-stoped to by grow infiltrating to network around, then disseminate to further place through small channel and vein lymph. Cancer cell disseminate in various place very is difficult cured. Even, medically have do not own expectation heal. Nothing;There is no way out to ove

Cause of is growing of cancer

Cause of is growing of cancer.

Any person who is at one time adjudged by cancercous getting surely will feel anxious, doleful, fear, sneaking, or heavy stres. Medical science by xself confessing that cancercous still become problem which not yet can be overcome and solved by his problems. For which can overcome disquiet or stres, of course will be more easy to give medication therapy, and surely if spiritually having contiguity with the The Creator and cope to improve repair pattern live and the pattern eat.

Till in this time, all man of science in all the world no one have can giving one certainty of cancercous cause at somebody x'self. (It) is true, till in this time have been done by various research with animal of attempt to know cause of is growing of cancer, but just remain to be not yet can become size measure definitive.

a. Clan Factor

Clan Factor become strongest strarting of cause of[is growing of cell cancer. Is often happened by if in one of family there is incured by a or tumor cancer, possibility of big of his offspring also will be incured. Have there is in our clinic note, from five have you, four is among other things incured by a husk cancer in same body shares. Initially they anticipate the husk cancer is dry eczema is which have never healed since minimizing.

b. Ultra violet ray and Radioactive

Have become inveterate view, if ashore Kuta of Bali of a lot of turis bare chest sun in sun of because wishing his husk is brown chromatic. They might not realize that abundant ultra violet ray can causing the growing of husk cancer.

c. Carcinogen Substance

In general, carcinogen anticipated to become cause which stimulate forming of cancer cell. Some carcinogen mentioned as by following

  • Chemical compound

Follow the example of chemical compound of carrier of substance of carcinogen for example remains substance industrial, such vitamin colourant, vitamin durabel, and the additional substance at and food

that drinking. Because, patient of cancer ought to abstain to consume food and the beverage conserved and given by look vitamin of chemical colourant

  • Physics factor

The example is substance of carrier radiaton, like atom bomb and aggresive radiotherapy like x-ray

  • virus Onkogenik

Patient of chronic Hepatitis of effect of virus of hepatitis B and C. Cancer of serviks also there is relation with infection by human papailloma virus. ( whether its intention human papailloma virus) ( request virus of onkogenik clarified again).

  • Hormone

Hormone yielded by gland of body functioning to arrange activity devices human being body. The drugs used to fatten livestock animal can become cause of incidence of gracious cancer, bosom, and the reproduction appliance other

d. Environmental Contamination

All worker in factory paint and worker in factory which always clean flue smoke very rentan incured by cancer of husk of caused by it is compound content hydrocarbon.

e. Grog

In fact liquor or have alcohol to of if drinked once in a while to dissipating cool-air of good to health. But the avaricious human being often. Feel in body and can throw away all kinds of problem of if drunken medium liquor, human being can become lost in. If this matter is often done, non obtained health, exactly the disease which got. For which fond of consuming grog hope to take a care, because can trigger growing of canker, lip cancer, blood cancer, and the gullet cancer.

f. Smoke Smoke

Differ the things of with grog. Next to nothing the reason agreing that smoke smoke tobacco of good to health. Mostly all smoker have occasion to that cigarette can throw away stres and make calm mind. But, all smoker do not realize that smoke of cigarette which sucking of can become starting of appearance of cancer of lung for their self and for others which do not intentionally breath in ( passive smoker).

g. Wrong Long-Range Diet

Somebody experiencing of fatness, especially the womankind, generally will going through various means to be able to lose weight his body. Way of illogical is often gone through by for the shake of obtaining slender body in brief time. Food which step into his body is not nutritious and uneven, even take medicine slender till exceed dose. If this matter is done by continuous, during the long time will generate digestion trouble as well as stimulus of is growing of cancer cell in body.

h. endurance of ugly Body

Its logic, human being which endurance of his body is ugly will easy to come down with. So also the things of cancercously. existing Wild cell in our body will expand quicker when body do not own antibody. For that for which have talent of cancer have to really pay attention to high nutritious food, in order to cell of cancer barren of.

i. Fatty Food

Tren of Food quickly present and fatty completely will fertilize the growing of cell cancer. In consequence, to avoid attack of cancer cell, all flesh from animal four footed have to prohibition, inclusive of sea food, especially the prawn, cockle, and cuttle.In fact cell of easy cancer grow when of age of human being reach 40 year to for, but in reality of children even also a lot suffer cancer. This matter do not get out of pattern eat those who not true, like habit consume fatty food and the food containing preservative. In fact appearance of cell of cancer of at age early can be prevented trainedly is child habit to drink traditional ingredient, like beverage from turmeric, temulawak, and temulawak white.

j. Flit Sexual Couple

Habit flit couple very influence the growing of cancer cell. And surely if invited correlate having venereal disease, possibility of it very big. virus Cause of this venereal disease can become cause growing of cancer cell.

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Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia