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Kamis, 03 Juli 2008

Green tea

Consuming green tea represent fomentation which are positive because besides as health beverage, in it also contain active compound is which have potency as anti-cancer. Pursuant to research from dr. Chung S Which is from laboratory research into cancer, University Of New Jersey USA in the year 1993 concluding that especial component of green tea believed to own various biological activity is inclusive of

Anti-cancer is polifenol, epigalokatekin 3-0 error ( EGCG), and derivat flavan or is in general referred as by derivat is katekin. From result test-drive at mouse donyru, indicating that compound activity the to cancer cell invasion which the insulation able to pursue it till 83% at concentration 10 mikrogram/mililiter. Besides as anti-cancer, green tea also own active component useful as anti-hypertension, antioksidan, antikarsinogenesis, and protect husk from ultra violet ray.

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Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia